Thank you for visiting the Loss and HOPE website
Loss and HOPE is an ecumenical project of AtaLoss working closely with key partners to help the Church support those bereaved – currently equipping churches across the UK to run The Bereavement Journey® to prevent mental ill-health, isolation, and other negative outcomes.
Covid 19 Day of Reflection
This year, the Day of Reflection falls on Sunday 9th March, and we are encouraging churches to include mention of the day in your notices and prayers. See our special information page here.

We’re delighted The Bereavement Journey® has been awarded a Care Award from the UK Business Awards! We have also agreed a partnership with the Parish Trust to extend the programme further across Wales!
See here for more details: AtaLoss receives Fourth Award for The Bereavement Journey Community Bereavement Support
The Bereavement Journey promotional film is below.
Find out more here.
If you have been bereaved please search for support services and information, and here for locations of The Bereavement Journey® – a place to talk.
Thank you.
Please tell us about resources and initiatives
that can be added to this website
– and get involved: