Death is the only certainty of life
Why Bereavement Support?

Around 600,000 people die in the UK each year, impacting millions, whether that be partners, children, parents, other relations, friends or colleagues.
For decades death and grief have been a private matter, but our society is beginning to realise the huge impact that bereavement can have – also the potential for unprocessed loss to lead to mental health issues and other negative outcomes. Almost every week there are news articles, podcasts and interviews, with people acknowledging the problems they have faced from the death of someone in their lives, whether recent or long ago.
As lifespans have increased, death has also been delayed, so the number of deaths has been decreasing. But now with the Silent Generation (war years) being over 75 and the ‘Baby Boomers’ reaching retirement age (over 21% of the population) we are at tipping point and the number of deaths is set to rise. The Coronavirus pandemic has also dramatically increased the number of bereaved people across the UK. So it is expected that over the next few years, more and more people will be looking for support.