Mothering Sunday is a day when we give thanks for everything our mothers do and have done for us, but we know that it isn’t a happy day for everyone.

We have listed below some resources which you might find helpful for Mothering Sunday.
Prayers on Mothering Sunday
Opening Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we praise and thank you as we celebrate Mothering Sunday; a chance to express thankfulness and joy as we remember our own mothers or carers, who have, or still are, serving their families. We also remember and pray for those for whom today will be difficult and sad. We ask that your unfailing love will surround them and that they will feel your presence in their lives. Amen.
And a longer prayer for use later during your service:
Loving God, our heavenly Father,
In our worship today we thank you for all that our mothers mean to us and for all that they do for us. But we also know that for some people this is a difficult day of hurt, grief and perhaps anger. For those whose mother has died, whose child has died, or who have been unable to have children; for those who have, or have had, difficult relationships with mothers, or those whose mothers are unwell. We ask for comfort for all who are grieving, dealing with loss and heartache, especially on this day.
We ask for strength for those who mourn, for healing for those who have been hurt by relationships, and faith for those who long to have a child. And we thank and praise you today for all the women who have cared for us, fed us, taught us, clothed us, believed in us, loved us, made sacrifices for us and given in all manner of other ways to raise us to become the people we are today.
In Jesus’ name,
Mother’s Day Runaways liturgy – for those who usually avoid church on Mothering Sunday:

If you are (or are supporting) a parent of a child who has died, the Care for the Family‘s Bereaved Parent Support page is full of helpful information.
The At a Loss Remembering Someone Badges are a thoughtful gift for someone who is grieving and would like to let people know they need a little extra kindness and support at this time.
Contact, Listen, Bless – this short video shows us how to make contact with people who have been bereaved, listen to their feelings and stories, and bless them by giving a small gift. Perhaps the Remembering Someone Badge?