Loss and HOPE

New Project Co-Leader appointed

We are delighted to welcome Reverend Cassius Francis to the Loss and HOPE team, as Project Co-Leader, Church Trainer & Resourcer, working alongside Katy Tutt, and we look forward to working with him. Cassius can be contacted on Cassius tells us: “My experiences of bereavement have been through the deaths of family members, close […]

Churches Covid-19 The Bereavement Journey

Bereavement support: meeting a need

Recent research by the Church of England showed that 91% of people have experienced a bereavement in the past 5 years. Over 2/3rds think the church might be there for them with spaces and places and people. In this webinar, Head of Life Events Sandra Millar was joined by Katy Tutt, Loss and Hope Project Manager, […]

Job Vacancy

Vacancy – Part-time Project Administrator provides the UK’s signposting and information website for bereaved people. The charity established the Loss and HOPE project to encourage and equip churches in bereavement support. Churches are ideally placed to offer support to people within their communities who have suffered loss at any time but especially over the last year of the Covid-19 […]

Churches Covid-19

New Bereavement Friendly Church webinar dates announced

As the restrictions we have been living under begin to be relaxed, more and more people who have been bereaved will be in need of support. Learn how your church can be even more welcoming, help those bereaved to feel comfortable in your worship, and share ideas for support activities with others at our Bereavement Friendly […]

Churches Covid-19 Remembering

National Day of Reflection 23rd March 2021

23rd March 2021 marks one year since the start of the first UK lockdown. During that year, more than 120,000 people have died with Covid-19 and many more from other causes, leaving millions bereaved, with restrictions affecting their ability to grieve as they normally would. Marie Curie, a charity supporting those who have received a […]

Churches Covid-19 Remembering The Bereavement Journey

Bereavement charity recruiting a Christian ‘army’ of volunteers to bring hope to the bereaved

Loss & HOPE, a coalition formed to encourage and equip Christian communities to support the bereaved, is calling for an ‘army’ of volunteers to help with the national relief effort now required to support bereaved people due to the coronavirus pandemic. As this article was published (Dec 2020), the number of UK Covid-related deaths had […]

Click below to listen to Jane Oundjian, creator of The Bereavement Journey®, interviewed on Premier Christian Radio talking about how churches can support the bereaved.

The Bereavement Journey

MBE for creator of The Bereavement Journey

We're delighted to announce that the Queen has awarded Jane Oundjian, creator of The Bereavement Journey®, an MBE!  The Bereavement Journey® is a tried and tested 6 session support course for the bereaved, now being encouraged by Loss and HOPE as a nationwide church response to the pandemic. Jane, a trustee of, supported hundreds of bereaved people over 23 years by running the course at HTB, and it is now being offered online and supporting people across the world. 

Covid-19 Remembering

A Season to Remember webinar

There are few people who haven’t been touched by loss of some kind this year. In this webinar, broadcast September 24th 2020, Revd Canon Sandra Millar explored how we can still be there for people around All Souls’ Day, Remembrance Sunday and looking ahead to Christmas. This webinar provides practical advice for finding new ways […]


Loss and HOPE Covid-19 Response

In June 2020 we launched our Online The Bereavement Journey Support initiative, enabling churches across the UK to run the much acclaimed The Bereavement Journey course virtually, to help support the many thousands of grieving people at this time.  The project aims for at least one course to run in every city or county across the UK by Autumn 2021 and for […]